This is a book that I have been working on for a year or so and has spent another year being passed around to different publishing houses. After waiting patiently and refusing to compromise creative and quality control, I have decided to release this book on my own.
Every book is hand made and each one will be slightly different from the other due to the nature of the process, but all books have received the same amount of attention and detail. Each page is a tale that I have collected throughout my years of traveling. Each story is a story about a love lost or imagined, and I have to thank each of the individuals who took the time out of their day to accordingly and intimately share their story with me. There are not too many people who enjoy company such as mine, and for those who gave me the chance and opportunity to sit with them I do thank you with all my heart.
Below is the description of each page of the book and the corresponding love story:
Houston We Have A Problem: This story was told by a young man in his mid twenties and how he surrendered his life to a woman whom he thought he would end up marrying. He later found out that she cheated on him and carried on this affair for almost a year. This story was shared in Austin, Texas.
Paydirt: When I was in San Francisco in the cafe located in the SFMoMA I befriended an art student who appeared to dry all the tears from her eyes. I bought her another drink hoping to keep her around and help her out. She ended up telling me that she quickly fell in love with her art professor. This was a pivotal moment in her life, because this was the first time she fell in love and realized that she was a lesbian.
New Discoveries/Old Ideas: In New York I was waiting to meet with a friend to help her move—from an apartment she shared with her ex-boyfriend—to Brooklyn, New York. She mentioned that she was still in love with her college boyfriend, who passed away due to cancer, and decided it was not fair for her and her new boyfriend that they continue.
Super Power: Sitting at a diner in San Diego—that should have been closed in the 50s—this Native American man shared a story about his Great Grandmother who lost her husband at a young age, but always told her Grandchildren that he was always with her. With the exception of the people who worked there, we were the only two in the whole diner. At times you could hear his tears connect with the newspaper.
See You Later Alligator: After being married for 35 years a lady that I met in Seattle decided that she wasn’t living the life she wanted. She wanted to travel and she wanted to travel a lot. Her husband was abusive and she decided that she would leave the next time he left to see his family on the East Coast—so, she did. I met her as she was traveling to see the Space Needle and informed that Portland was the next stop.